SSO Troubleshooting

Last Modified: 25-September-2013

This document covers basic troubleshooting for single sign on (SSO) in JMapMyLDAP.

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  1. Package Dependencies
  2. Dummy Plug-in

Package Dependencies

Correct package dependencies is based on the version of JMapMyLDAP.

Version 1

Ensure the following extensions are installed from the downloads page:

  • plg_system_jssomysite
  • lib_jssomysite

Both of these extensions get installed if either package pkg_jssomysite_core or pkg_jssomysite_plugins are used instead.

Ensure the 'System - JSSOMySite' plug-in has been enabled.

Version 2

During initial installation of JMapMyLDAP, the pkg_ldap_sso_core package must be used.

Ensure the 'System - Shmanic Platform' has been enabled.

A number of keys and values are required in the #__sh_config table to activate SSO. These can either be inserted directly through SQL or the 'Shmanic Config' component (com_shconfig). The following table shows these keys:

platform:import["ldap","sso"]Imports both the LDAP and SSO subsystems on system initialisation (very important!).
sso:autoregister1Enables auto user creation if a user does not exist.
sso:backend0Allows SSO to attempt logon to the backend (Administrator) of the site.
sso:bypasskeynossoA URL variable name to bypass SSO on either the front or back end.
sso:doauthorise1Authorises the SSO username with a user adapter.
sso:urlbypass1Enables bypass SSO.

Debugging SSO can be achieved through the 'SHLog - SSO' plug-in which can log all SSO events when enabled and configured to do so.

Dummy Plug-in

A "dummy" SSO plug-in has been created for the sole purpose of testing the SSO subsystem in either versions of JMapMyLDAP. This plug-in works by manually specifying a username to login using the SSO subsystem.

This plug-in can determine whether there is a problem with a single SSO plug-in or whether the SSO libraries are broken.

Download SSO Dummy Plug-in: zip | tar.gz