Version 1 Guide

Last Modified: 17-November-2013

This guide covers the installation and setting up of the JMapMyLDAP set of extensions. Each section uses Javascript based show/hide toggle buttons; these buttons should work under most browsers.

It is recommended to use an LDAP browser such as ADSIEdit (Acive Directory) or phpLDAPAdmin to complete this guide.

Note: Errors can be viewed by opening the JLog in /logs/error.php or switching on Joomla debug mode.

Jump to:
  1. Installing the extension
  2. Configuring the authentication plugin
  3. Configuring the user plugin
  4. Configuring the system SSO plugin
  5. Configuring the HTTP SSO plugin

Installing the extension

There is currently one user plugin, two libraries combined into one, and one authentication plugin in the JMapMyLDAP package.

The following instructions demonstrates how to install the package into a correctly configured Joomla installation:

  1. Download the latest Core Package (pkg_jmapmyldap) from the downloads page.

    Also, SSO Core & Plugins Package ( can be found there.
  2. Log into the backend of the Joomla site and go to the Extension Manager.
  3. Click 'Browse...' then select the downloaded package from step 1.
  4. Click 'Upload & Install'.

If an error is presented during install, then the Joomla installation is not configured correctly (most likely a file permission problem on the web server).

Configuring the authentication plugin

This section demonstrates the usage for the JMapMyLDAP authentication plugin. A individual debug PHP file downloadable from here can help with setting up the authentication - please try this before contacting me. For this example we are assuming that Active Directory is the LDAP directory to be used.

Configuring the user plugin

This section demonstrates the usage for the group mapping plugin.

Configuring the JSSOMySite SSO plugin

This section demonstrates the usage for the JSSOMySite system plugin. Parts of the SSO extensions are forks from the works of JAuthTools by Samual Moffatt.

Configuring the SSO HTTP plugin

This section demonstrates the usage for the SSO HTTP plugin.